Author: admin

New Publications

Please congratulate Graham Saunders on the publication of his book on Harold Pinter by Routledge Press. See details below.
Also, my co-edited collection on ghosts in drama published by Bloomsbury will appear this Fall. 20% discount available.
Both are available for pre-order. Please order and have your libraries order them, as well.

Best, Ann

Ann C. Hall, Professor (She, her, hers)

The Department of Comparative Humanities

Drama Editor, Routledge Encyclopedia of Modernism

Editor, The Harold Pinter Review

CFP Drama: Routledge Encyclopedia of Modernism

The Routledge Encyclopedia of Modernism: Drama/Performance seeks encyclopedia entries on drama, theatre, and performance. It is the largest and most comprehensive resource available for all those involved in the study of modernism, from students to academics. Entries range from 250 to 3000 words, from a brief definition to more extensive entries with suggested bibliographies.

For more information, contact Ann C. Hall at the University of Louisville:

To submit articles:

Editorial Manager®

Steven Gale memorial

As a memorial to Steven Gale and his work with the International Harold Pinter Society and the study of drama and film in the profession, the Society has purchased 5 Memorial Trees in his honor.
